Declaration of the Rights of the Moon

Draft for circulation and discussion
version: 11 February 2021

We the people of Earth -

Acknowledging the unique, intact, interconnected lunar environments and landscapes which exist on the Moon;

Acknowledging the ancient, primordial relationship between Earth and the Moon;

Mindful of how much is still unknown about the co-origins of Earth and the Moon;

Aware that the Moon is critically important to the healthy functioning of the Earth System, and is a vital sustaining component of all life on Earth;

Aware that the Moon holds deep cultural and spiritual meaning for human beings;

Acknowledging that the cycles of the Moon have enabled life itself to evolve on Earth;

Mindful of the immeasurable value the Moon holds as a repository of deep time and connection among all beings who have ever lived on Earth, since its features have remained almost unchanged since time immemorial;

Conscious that wealthy nations and corporations are developing technologies that may make it possible to return to, live on, mine and otherwise alter the Moon;

Aware of humanity’s impact on the Earth - causing ecosystem collapse, a new era of mass species extinction and global climate change - and seeking to avoid destruction and change to the natural systems and ecosystems of the Moon,

Declare that -

  1. The Moon – which consists of but is not limited to: its surface and subsurface landscapes including mountains and craters, rocks and boulders, regolith, dust, mantle, core, minerals, gases, water, ice, boundary exosphere, surrounding lunar orbits, cislunar space – is a sovereign natural entity in its own right and, in accordance with established international space law, no nation, entity, or individual of Earth may assert ownership or territorial sovereignty of the Moon.
  2. The Moon possesses fundamental rights, which arise from its existence in the universe, including:
    • (a) the right to exist, persist and continue its vital cycles unaltered, unharmed and unpolluted by human beings;
    • (b) the right to maintain ecological integrity;
    • (c) the right to be defined as a self-sustaining, intelligent, cohesive, intact lunar ecosystem, beyond current human comprehension;
    • (d) the right to independently maintain its own life-sustaining relationship with the Earth’s environments and living creatures; and
    • (e) the right to remain a forever peaceful celestial entity, unmarred by human conflict or warfare.

More information

For information about the development of the Declaration of the Rights of the Moon, please see this page.

If you would like to connect with the creators of the Moon Declaration please email:


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385 signatures

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Latest Signatures

385Julia H.Margaret River ??I believe this declaration of moon rights to be an incredibly important part of both our human made system of law and as a devotional act in honour of our place amongst other organic life sustaining species t
384ANdy M.Bondi Australia
383AnonymousMelbourne Australia
382Keri J.BRADDON Australia
381AnonymousCONINGHAM AustraliaThis is really big picture thinking! Good on You far-sighted Earthlings!
380Cat C.London United Kingdom
379Kate G.Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington New Zealand
378Louise K.Robertsbridge United Kingdom
377Carlos C.Invercargill New Zealand
376AnonymousChartwell New Zealand
375Sheri S.Portland United StatesPlease stop capitalism from destroying the moon
374Rona C.Brighton and Hove United Kingdom
373Kate R.Devon United Kingdom
372Iris B.Romsey Australia
371AnonymousBarcelona Spain
370Abhik G.Bengaluru IndiaThis declaration is an important step towards ecocentric recognition of the rights of nature including that of the Moon and the other celestial bodies.
369ROBERT E.Takoma Park United States
368Sarah P.South Arm Australia
367Ali N.CA United States
366Susan M.Armidale Australia
365Jeff S.Huntginton Woods United States
364tom a.Minneapolis United States
363AnonymousCirencester United Kingdom
362Molly H.Halford United KingdomLove the moon !
361Marija M.Luxembourg Luxembourg
360AnonymousEl Paso United States
359Paul M.bray Ireland
358Natasha A.Alexandria AustraliaWe are hurtling towards a future where the moon is purely seen as a resource to extract from. We live in a reality where we can see how harmful and destructive this approach to the natural world is. Let's change course.
357AnonymousKalamazoo United States
356Chelsea C.Madison United StatesThank you for creating this. I can't believe governments and companies are clamoring to defile the moon like they have the Earth.
355AnonymousDhaka Bangladesh
354Michael W.Worcester United StatesHow and why should we trust these organizations and corporations when they talk about establishing a closed loop system on the moon, in the name is sustainability, when there has been no true effort to establish such a system here on Earth with and for our own resources? We cannot trust them.
353Jamie V.Santa Clara, CA United States
352Brodie N.Donegal Ireland
351Melody H.Rancho Cucamonga United States
350John H.Brisbane AustraliaWe have trashed this planet. Please leave the moon (and all other planets) alone!!
349Brigitte P.Rimsting GermanyIt is so necessary to have this declaration!
348Madeleine H.MAROUBRA Australia
347Lisa S.North Hollywood United States
346Samantha L.Stirling Australia
345Jennifer R.Boston United States
344AnonymousNew York United States
343Tara B.Vancouver CanadaThe moon shines up there in the sky like a blank slate and humans are clamoring to be the first to slap some paint on it. We must ensure it stays a happy little moon.
342Judy N.Oakland United StatesThank you for this beautiful declaration. Humans need to learn that we are not entitled to exploit and plunder whatever we want. We have a sacred responsibility to steward the health of our planet and moon; to live in balance and reciprocity; and to have some damned boundaries.
341Jessica L.Westfield United States
340Christen B.Ohio United States
339AnonymousEnschede Netherlands
338Alycia J.West End Australia
337Belinda P.Balmain AustraliaThis declaration contains values that should govern how we treat not just the moon, but our own planet
336Karen J.Chapel Hill Australia